12 December, 2007

Peewee Moore & The Awful Dreadful Snakes

Poster design for Peewee Moore and his band.

15 November, 2007

Destroy Destroy Destroy

CD booklet layout (spread) for Nashville-based Destroy Destroy Destroy. Imagery was done for the song, "Ripped Apart by the Juggernaut of Fornication." I think the image is almost as happy as the song. Hope the guys in the band dig it.

23 October, 2007

Witchcraft and Saviours

I did a quick poster for the upcoming Witchcraft/Saviours show in Savannah. They never got printed (due to too little time), but I liked the idea.

Juxtapoz mentioned my name...

"I Want Your Skull: Issue 3" was mentioned on the Juxtapoz Magazine site. I am stoked. Here's the "real" link: Juxtapoz.

02 October, 2007

I Want Your Skull Issue No. 3

I was lucky enough to get into I Want Your Skull No. 3. If you're not familiar with the 'zine, head over to www.iwantyourskull.com. This is the base art for the BlackTusk September Tour t-shirt (the 'zine doesn't allow band names or branding on the art).

Ideas, Sketches

Just a few random quick-fire sketches.

28 September, 2007

Peewee Moore & The Cottonmouth Cowboys

Poster done for a friend of mine... Peewee Moore, formerly of The Tennessee Rounders.

16 August, 2007

Camel Art Pack

I did the "design a pack" thing for Camel. This was chosen to represent "Menthol Lights" (originally done to be just "Lights," but whatever).

They are out right now in a Buy 1, Get 1 package. Buy some.

13 August, 2007

The Tennessee Rounders

Poster done for The Tennessee Rounders. This was their last show at their favorite Savannah bar, The Jinx. They are good friends of mine, so it was a pleasure to create this for them.

25 June, 2007

T-Shirt Design: Getting Closer

Tour shirt for Savannah-based metal band, BlackTusk. Waiting for approval.

08 June, 2007

Napkin Face

Bored again. Ate some cake, drew a face.

29 May, 2007

Meeting Sketches

Eh... I was bored in the meeting today.

27 February, 2007

Black Tusk Zombie

This was done for a local Savannah band, Black Tusk. It is to be a limited edition t-shirt celebrating the completion and premiere of their video "Triumph of the Wolves." Photoshop (with final done in Illustrator).

20 February, 2007

Zombie Wolf-Dog

Pretty self-explanatory.