23 October, 2007

Witchcraft and Saviours

I did a quick poster for the upcoming Witchcraft/Saviours show in Savannah. They never got printed (due to too little time), but I liked the idea.

Juxtapoz mentioned my name...

"I Want Your Skull: Issue 3" was mentioned on the Juxtapoz Magazine site. I am stoked. Here's the "real" link: Juxtapoz.

02 October, 2007

I Want Your Skull Issue No. 3

I was lucky enough to get into I Want Your Skull No. 3. If you're not familiar with the 'zine, head over to www.iwantyourskull.com. This is the base art for the BlackTusk September Tour t-shirt (the 'zine doesn't allow band names or branding on the art).

Ideas, Sketches

Just a few random quick-fire sketches.